Miah - Den - Joey P - Totoy - Eric D

Thursday, October 30, 2008

and so it begins. . .

ooooh gloooowwyyy effeccctttt. if you think our sticker is WICKED!!! wait til you see what's inside the shop.
INTENZE 54 COLORS. our boxes of needless ranges from liners, shaders, magnums, round magnums from 1 - 49 needles all NEW all disposable, some left undisplayed due to lack of space.
our pressure cooker for our bulalo and rice cooker. ahaha. kidding aside, what youre seeing on your left is the autoclave and on your right is the ultrasonic cleaner. clean, sterile so therefore safe! AYOS! APIR!
night lights.


foxyroxy said...

your shop looks so surreal..i will definitely come by and check out the place. rock on..


WOW!!! surreal uh?! that really got me. that means a lot to us. please do drop by. tell your friends about it also. see you soon. THANK YOU!