time check, it's now 6:39am. just finished emailing gaston about my 2 machines and power supply. been excited about this since the folks agreed on getting them as a christmas gift. since he maintains the people who can use his machines, i'm still hanging on a cliff if whether i would be granted to use them. if not i can just ask den to get it for me this upcoming rites of passage in melbourne this january and have it shipped here at home. or, just get soba or cain from workhorse or luckysupply. if ever i wait, the convention is only a month away but damnnn the waiting will for sure kill me. SIGH. it's already been haunting me in my sleep. waaahahahahahahaha. alright. will go back to bed now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Totoy's Inks and Needles
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